Sunday, January 23, 2011

China! China! --Read All About it--

When considering emerging markets China is one of the most dynamic for almost anything that can be sold. Its colossal population presents some of the greatest opportunities; however, due to the size it is sometimes very difficult to penetrate and gain exposure through traditional advertising via television and print. This is where the internet has been a real game changer for many firms.

Looking at the number of internet users and the major growth it almost seems to easy to use the internet in marketing new products and services. In 2000 china had roughly 22.5 million internet users. Fast-forward to 2010 and there is an astonishing increase to 420 million users! This means that over the last ten years there has been an increase of nineteen times to users in a relatively short period. This also represents a huge increase in the population penetration going from 1.7% in 2000 to 31.6% in 2010. With increases like this is it no wonder why companies like Google and Microsoft are scrambling to establish themselves in the Chinese search engine market.

With the 2010 numbers China has yet to see the peak of internet users it will likely experience. Being one of the major developing economies that most experts have dubbed BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) also means that the population has a rising amount of prosperity and disposable income. The internet juggernaut is highly desirable in terms of exposure because it is a given that any sort of media will reach numerous individuals.

As China’s economy progresses these numbers will likely continue to rise, and this could be one of the markets that truly makes or breaks some of the technological giants from the U.S. Even with huge brand equity and leverage Google has had to succumb to the Chinese government in terms of regulation because they know how important this market is and will be in the future.

China’s internet usage creates some promising opportunities, and I am sure that in the coming years we may have Chinese based firms penetrating the American market in unprecedented ways!


  1. China is the most powerful of the currently emerging markets. Population is growing and the economy is opening to the globalization. I still don't know if a free market is compatible with a communist regime. As I say in my blog my blog, I don't think US should feel threatened by China yet.

  2. Although china has the fastest growing economy in the world after the united states and going by the speed their internet usage in the country and i would like to agree with you on that oriana about the compactiblity of their free economy with communist. Also going by the strict regulation that the legislative has imposed on the usage internet, i feel they there would be a limitation for them when they want to penetrate into the united states.
